SoucheService :: GetSoucheInterneByIndice

The GET method, is used to retrieve data.

The list of necessary parameters for sending a query:
  • string indice.

Returns data as JSON, for use in PHP, you need to convert JSON in StdClass PHP (PHP function: json_decode ()).

Input parameters:



require (__DIR__ . '/service/WebServices100.php');

use services\WebServices100;

$url = 'http://<Your ip>:<Your Port>/WebServices100/<Your environment>/SoucheService/rest/SouchesInterne?id=1';

// Send requests to receive data
$result = WebServices100::getData($url)));

$response = json_decode($result);


stdClass Object
[Intitule] => N° pièce
[EstValide] => 1
[Id] => 1